Peas and mint soup
Originally published at Yellow Chimney. Please leave any comments there. Do you ever crave for veggies in winter? I bet not many of you do. No secret we prefer warm and comforting food in cold times. But when it turns to spring we turn to green. To be honest March and even April, though they undoubtedly are spring months are not yet that warm and sunny to make me want salads and fresh fruit. But neither do I want a piece of pulled pork in heavy gravy. In spring I’m looking for some in-between options: green and light enough but warm and nourishing. So this post is about a perfect April bowl of soup. Peas and mint. You surely saw it in menus and probably tried it in some restaurant or cafe. Now it’s time to cook it yourself. It won’t take you more than 15 minutes. Recipe: (serves 4-6, cooking time 15 mins) Read the rest of this entry »