Pistachio meringues
Originally published at Yellow Chimney. Please leave any comments there. Meringue is one of the favourite deserts of my childhood. How can you not love this crispy breakable shell with sweet and sticky-toffee like centre? Who wouldn’t love holding it in one hand and catching crumbs with the other? But to be honest in my childhood everything was a little simpler than now. We didn’t have chocolate, strawberry, lemon and all those yummy meringues, we only knew plain white ones, no flavours, no colours. And today choosing a meringue recipe to cook you’ll never be fascinated with a plain white one, right? Because of all that variety you have around. So let us make it pistachio meringues. We’ll use the French method, the one that looks the simplest, yet has some tricks. Recipe: (makes 8, cooking time 30 minutes + 2-3 hours to chill) Read the rest of this entry »
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