Raised Game Pie – medieval recipe
Originally published at Yellow Chimney. Please leave any comments there. I could never really resist old or vintage recipes. Any recipe marked as “Granny’s” or “Traditional Family” buys me at once. How do you think I felt when I found this MEDIEVAL recipe on http://yellowchimney. com/ReallyNiceRecipes. com. I lost my breath and immediately filled my shopping basket (I do shop online, yes) with pheasants and venison. Cooking process is a killer, honestly. It’s unbelievably long. The only thing that makes it bearable is that of those 30 hours you spend only about 2 hours hands on… Still – that’s definitely not the things you want to starts when guests knock at the door. Recipe: (serves 20, cooking time 1 h 20 mins for the pie, 2 h for the stock) Read the rest of this entry »