It is SPRING today. Guys, that’s official! No kidding. Springtime! In London there are blossoms on the trees, and they look like big fluffy clouds - and place our heads and thoughts exactly there. In the clouds, we mean. And you know what? No way we are going to wait any longer. Of course, we never wait, and we did say it before - but we are all human, and we repeat ourselves sometimes - we did wear a good share of “comfortable” and “cosy” things in winter, using these words as an excuse to dress down all the time. As much as we like it, but today it is spring, and spring it will be in a summer dress in spring. We see, you are confused with our logic? You think it’s too cold for a summer frock right now? We don’t. We have some loveliest dresses from the previous summer that we can wear now. No way we are waiting any longer and we are not going to stand two things: raised eyebrows and colds. Therefore we will still be a little sensible. We will take it easy still and wear things that way - so even our granny would approve. (Yes, we have a granny, and she worries about our health and demands us in scarves and hats still. Yes, we are grown-up but grannies are all same, right?). Summer dresses are not only for summer. We say it. Do you really want to argue on 1st of March? This dress - that’s a lovely one - you can see (or even buy, yeah) here.