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Melodies of the Jewish Quarter Melodies of the Jewish Quarter

Melodies of the Jewish Quarter

watercolor, 2008, 60 x 40 cm

25.12.2010 смотреть >>
Евгений Иванов "Еврейский квартал" Евгений Иванов "Еврейский квартал"

Евгений Иванов "Еврейский квартал"

Jewish Quarter, watercolor, 39 x 27 cm, 2011

18.09.2011 смотреть >>
Евгений Иванов "Еврейский квартал" Евгений Иванов "Еврейский квартал"

Евгений Иванов "Еврейский квартал"

The Jewish Quarter, oil on canvas, 60 x 50 cm, 2014 Original oil painting by Eugene Ivanov, 2014

09.12.2014 смотреть >>
Евгений Иванов: Новые акварели Евгений Иванов: Новые акварели

Евгений Иванов: Новые акварели

The official website by artist Eugene Ivanov: http://opatov. wixsite. com/eugeneivanov

08.09.2017 смотреть >>
Евгений Иванов: Еврейский квартал Евгений Иванов: Еврейский квартал

Евгений Иванов: Еврейский квартал

Josefov by Eugene Ivanov, 50 x 50 cm, oil on canvas, 2017 The official website by artist Eugene Ivanov: http://opatov. wixsite. com/eugeneivanov

04.09.2017 смотреть >>
Евгений Иванов: Лампа в окне Евгений Иванов: Лампа в окне

Евгений Иванов: Лампа в окне

Lamp In The Window by Eugene Ivanov, 50 x 60 cm, oil on canvas, 2017 The official website by artist Eugene Ivanov: http://opatov. wixsite. com/eugeneivanov

04.09.2017 смотреть >>
Puschcarts and Peddlers by Ed Galling Puschcarts and Peddlers by Ed Galling

Puschcarts and Peddlers by Ed Galling

Cover Art Created and Donated by Eugene Ivanov Ed Galing is an award-winning ninety-three year old poet, cartoonist, and journalist. He received many literary awards, two pushcart nominations, wrote over seventy chapbooks, and was the harmonica-playing poet-laureate of Hatboro, Pennsylvania. Ed Galing is an award-winning ninety-three year old poet, cartoonist, and journalist. He received many literary awards, two pushcart nominations, wrote over seventy chapbooks, and was the harmonica-playing poet-laureate of Hatboro, Pennsylvania. Galing grew up in a tenement building in the Lower East Side of New York, learning about Pushcart, peddlers and bustling immigrants. When he was nine-years old his parents moved to Philadelphia where he finished his high school education, then he began to write short stories, poems, and sketches about his life. Shortly after WWII, Galing joined the Army and served as an occupation soldier in Europe, where he witnessed the death camps in Dachau. Galing married at age twenty-one and lived with his wife Esther for sixty-eight years, until her death. Galing is described by Doug Holder as a "poet of the greatest generation. " Mr. Galing does not own a computer, he still communicates with editors and fellow poets by hand written letters. Mr. Galing lives at his home in Hatboro, PA, confined to a wheelchair, and still types all his poems using an old typewriter. His greatest wish is to see his Jewish works published and recognized, that those days of experiencing the Lower East Side, Dachau, anti-Semitism in the Army and Navy will never be forgotten. Poetica Magazine and Poetica Publishing Company will grant Mr. Galing his wish and will publish a full collection of his Jewish poems. Pushcarts and Peddlers by Ed Galing will be published as soon as we can find and collect his Jewish theme poems…this is a challenge. We are thankful to the talented and generous artist, Eugene Ivanov, for creating the art for the book cover, free of charge. Ivanov’s art was published on the front cover of our summer 2010 print edition. Visit his amazing work at www. yessy. com/eugeneivanov. If you wish to donate to the Ed Galing Book Fund, please mail us a check/money order to: Poetica Magazine, Ed Galing Fund, Po Box 11014, Norfolk, VA 23517, or you can pay by credit card through PayPal using the "donate" option. All donations will be noted in the book, in a special Thank You page, and you will receive one signed copy of the book. Anything will help. Thank you! make a donation deadline:?December 31, 2010 all donations will be noted in the book The original sources

13.09.2010 смотреть >>
Challah bread Challah bread

Challah bread

Originally published at Yellow Chimney. Please leave any comments there. Challah is Jewish Sabbath and holiday bread. It is extremely soft and airy and buttery, which is no wonder – a considerable amount of eggs and butter is used to make it. Challah has a deep religious meaning, but apart from that it is a delicious sweet white loaf to share for tea time. It is absolutely one of the tastiest breads in the world… Though all breads are tasty to me. So, let’s grab some eggs and butter and bake a Challah loaf. Oh, no, not butter, actually, we are going to substitute butter with vegetable oil. Read the rest of this entry »

23.04.2015 смотреть >>

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