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Oh! They finally arrived! Pyjamas-pyjamas! Oh! They finally arrived! Pyjamas-pyjamas!

Oh! They finally arrived! Pyjamas-pyjamas!

Пледы для самых маленьких. Размер 90x90 см, одна часть из тонкого цветного трикотажа, вторая из плотного серого. Пижамы для старших братьев и сестёр. Тонкий трикотаж (100% хлопок). Размерная линейка  на рост 98 (2 года), 110 (4 года), 122 (6 лет). Обычно мы покупаем одежду для своих детей на вырост, потому мы решили нашу первую самостоятельную коллекцию сделать размер в размер. Покрой для мальчиков чуть пошире в плечах и груди и штанины шире чем у девочек. Девочки. Мальчики (но на девочке, хе-хе). Наша домашняя модель:-) Больше @ flickr. Наш блог mijen. lv

07.10.2010 смотреть >>
Chocolate filled pancakes. Recipe for a bright family breakfast Chocolate filled pancakes. Recipe for a bright family breakfast

Chocolate filled pancakes. Recipe for a bright family breakfast

Originally published at Yellow Chimney. Please leave any comments there. In the morning slanting sun rays penetrate into the dining room through the thin netting. They carefully grope window-sill, table and a white doily lying on it. The warm touches slide on the white chair backs, flutter from one side to another, quivering from every curtain movement and each wiggle of trees outside. Sun rays softly stroke sleepy eyelashes and sweet rose lips of kids, who are waiting for their breakfast. The kids, a boy and a girl, idly stretch their pyjamas, continue watching their last fairy dreams right at the table. It’s Sunday. No need to hurry. No need to push your sleepy legs to find the right side of the trousers. No need to rush your sleepy jaws to chew… Quiet sunny slumber reigns in the dining room, until mum puts a plate full of pancakes on the table. And when the kids find out there’s chocolate filling in the centre, the last traces of sleep disappear and a funny-talking-laughing family breakfast begins. Recipe: (yields 12-15, serves 4-5, cooking time 25 minutes) Read the rest of this entry »

19.02.2016 смотреть >>
Chocolate filled pancakes. Recipe for a bright family breakfast Chocolate filled pancakes. Recipe for a bright family breakfast

Chocolate filled pancakes. Recipe for a bright family breakfast

Originally published at Yellow Chimney. Please leave any comments there. In the morning slanting sun rays penetrate into the dining room through the thin netting. They carefully grope window-sill, table and a white doily lying on it. The warm touches slide on the white chair backs, flutter from one side to another, quivering from every curtain movement and each wiggle of trees outside. Sun rays softly stroke sleepy eyelashes and sweet rose lips of kids, who are waiting for their breakfast. The kids, a boy and a girl, idly stretch their pyjamas, continue watching their last fairy dreams right at the table. It’s Sunday. No need to hurry. No need to push your sleepy legs to find the right side of the trousers. No need to rush your sleepy jaws to chew… Quiet sunny slumber reigns in the dining room, until mum puts a plate full of pancakes on the table. And when the kids find out there’s chocolate filling in the centre, the last traces of sleep disappear and a funny-talking-laughing family breakfast begins. Recipe: (yields 12-15, serves 4-5, cooking time 25 minutes) Read the rest of this entry »

19.02.2016 смотреть >>

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