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Raised Game Pie – medieval recipe Raised Game Pie – medieval recipe

Raised Game Pie – medieval recipe

Originally published at Yellow Chimney. Please leave any comments there. I could never really resist old or vintage recipes. Any recipe marked as “Granny’s” or “Traditional Family” buys me at once. How do you think I felt when I found this MEDIEVAL recipe on http://yellowchimney. com/ReallyNiceRecipes. com. I lost my breath and immediately filled my shopping basket (I do shop online, yes) with pheasants and venison. Cooking process is a killer, honestly. It’s unbelievably long. The only thing that makes it bearable is that of those 30 hours you spend only about 2 hours hands on… Still – that’s definitely not the things you want to starts when guests knock at the door. Recipe: (serves 20, cooking time 1 h 20 mins for the pie, 2 h for the stock) Read the rest of this entry »

01.02.2016 смотреть >>
Raised Game Pie – medieval recipe Raised Game Pie – medieval recipe

Raised Game Pie – medieval recipe

Originally published at Yellow Chimney. Please leave any comments there. I could never really resist old or vintage recipes. Any recipe marked as “Granny’s” or “Traditional Family” buys me at once. How do you think I felt when I found this MEDIEVAL recipe on http://yellowchimney. com/ReallyNiceRecipes. com. I lost my breath and immediately filled my shopping basket (I do shop online, yes) with pheasants and venison. Cooking process is a killer, honestly. It’s unbelievably long. The only thing that makes it bearable is that of those 30 hours you spend only about 2 hours hands on… Still – that’s definitely not the things you want to starts when guests knock at the door. Recipe: (serves 20, cooking time 1 h 20 mins for the pie, 2 h for the stock) Read the rest of this entry »

01.02.2016 смотреть >>
“Movie Night” cheesecake with coke and popcorn “Movie Night” cheesecake with coke and popcorn

“Movie Night” cheesecake with coke and popcorn

Originally published at Yellow Chimney. Please leave any comments there. Aaaaaand Chefs_battle recipes again in this blog. (Wonder what is Chefs_Battle? Find out in my Instagram ) This time the task was to make a classic New York cheesecake but with a little twist and to shoot it in the atmosphere of American 50’s. So don’t be surprised about the shots. Here I am – a happy US housewife right from a postcard. Oh, America-America! 50’s – is quiet a conflicting era.   The cult of family and home is arguing with loud voices of Elvis Presley and Chuck Berry. We have a modest and neat housewife on one plate and young and daring pin-up girls on the other. So I tried to reflect this crazy mix in my recipe. This is an almost classical New York cheesecake flavoured with US national tastes – Coke and popcorn. And as this combination is used for watching movies far too often let’s name this cheesecake “Movie Night”. Recipe (for 10″ cake tin, making time 2 hours + 8 hours for chilling) Read the rest of this entry »

02.07.2015 смотреть >>
Chocolate swiss roll with fennel and jasmine Chocolate swiss roll with fennel and jasmine

Chocolate swiss roll with fennel and jasmine

Originally published at Yellow Chimney. Please leave any comments there. It all started when I found out my husband didn’t like fennel. And when some of my family refuses to eat anything I am trying to find the way through and cook it somehow that no one recognises the unloved ingredient. Nobody ignores any kind of food in my kitchen! (Well, except me, of course, and I am quiet fussy with what I eat). I tried fennel in salads and soups, but it was not working for my husband. The sweet goodies were a path to go. And this is how this swiss roll appeared. I took Hershey’s roll recipe and super powered it a bit. Rich chocolate flavour went really well with those strong sharp fennel taste. It’s worth having a juicer for this recipe but if you don’t make fennel water instead. Grate the fennel bulb, pour over a 1/2 cup boiling water and steep overnight. Recipe (for 25х37 cm tin, 30 min hands on + 3-4 hours to set) Read the rest of this entry »

30.11.2015 смотреть >>
Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse (yep, I just used ‘delicious’ and ‘vegan’ i Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse (yep, I just used ‘delicious’ and ‘vegan’ i

Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse (yep, I just used ‘delicious’ and ‘vegan’ i

Originally published at Yellow Chimney. Please leave any comments there. What do you usually think when you read the words “gluten free, dairy free, raw, vegan” in the name of a recipe. “How’s that stuff gonna be tasty?” – is my first thought. To swap real smooth rich creamy butter for an avocado? Am I crazy or what? No, that’s not for me. I don’t want to offend anyone, I assume I just like the classic cakes too much. But as a homebaker sometimes I do gf, df, vegan and raw cakes for my clients. And sometimes I have a little leftovers of my cakes and bakes which I try to be sure that the cake is fairly good. And this is exactly how I discovered this avocado based vegan chocolate mousse. I was making chocolate cake for a meet-up of some group, half of the members of which were vegans and the other half was about to become ones. I found couple of recipes, combined them and made some delicious mousse. My son is not a fan of chocolate, but my 4yo daughter ate 3 portions of that. It is as rich chocolate as a proper brownie and as smooth and creamy as classic ganache. Can you believe that? Try yourself! Recipe: (makes 15 shots, cooking time 20 minutes) Read the rest of this entry »

28.03.2016 смотреть >>
Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse (yep, I just used ‘delicious’ and ‘vegan’ i Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse (yep, I just used ‘delicious’ and ‘vegan’ i

Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse (yep, I just used ‘delicious’ and ‘vegan’ i

Originally published at Yellow Chimney. Please leave any comments there. What do you usually think when you read the words “gluten free, dairy free, raw, vegan” in the name of a recipe. “How’s that stuff gonna be tasty?” – is my first thought. To swap real smooth rich creamy butter for an avocado? Am I crazy or what? No, that’s not for me. I don’t want to offend anyone, I assume I just like the classic cakes too much. But as a homebaker sometimes I do gf, df, vegan and raw cakes for my clients. And sometimes I have a little leftovers of my cakes and bakes which I try to be sure that the cake is fairly good. And this is exactly how I discovered this avocado based vegan chocolate mousse. I was making chocolate cake for a meet-up of some group, half of the members of which were vegans and the other half was about to become ones. I found couple of recipes, combined them and made some delicious mousse. My son is not a fan of chocolate, but my 4yo daughter ate 3 portions of that. It is as rich chocolate as a proper brownie and as smooth and creamy as classic ganache. Can you believe that? Try yourself! Recipe: (makes 15 shots, cooking time 20 minutes) Read the rest of this entry »

28.03.2016 смотреть >>
Chocolate Hot Cross Buns – new recipe I tried this Easter Chocolate Hot Cross Buns – new recipe I tried this Easter

Chocolate Hot Cross Buns – new recipe I tried this Easter

Originally published at Yellow Chimney. Please leave any comments there. Hot cross buns, hot cross buns One a penny, two a penny hot cross buns. As a huge fan of all yeast dough goodies I couldn’t miss the opportunity to make these for Easter. That’s interesting how in different cultures Christians have the same understanding of what makes bread festive. Greek Tzureki, Italian Pannetone, Russian Kulich, British Hot Cross Buns – all have it in common. Spices. And orange zest. And raisins. I cooked Kulich dozens of times, and Tzureki, and Pannetone as well, but it’s my first time with British Easter bread. I always wondered how the crosses on top are made. Is it white chocolate? Do they bake the buns first and add the crosses at the end? Ha ha, now I know how it’s done. And I was surprised how easy the method is. Even though I’m not an experienced hot cross bun baker I couldn’t have settled with some classic taste and recipe. So here are my Easter buns with chocolate and prunes. Recipe: (makes 9 tall buns, prep and cooking time 40 minutes, proving and rising – about 2 hours) Read the rest of this entry »

31.03.2016 смотреть >>
Chocolate Hot Cross Buns – new recipe I tried this Easter Chocolate Hot Cross Buns – new recipe I tried this Easter

Chocolate Hot Cross Buns – new recipe I tried this Easter

Originally published at Yellow Chimney. Please leave any comments there. Hot cross buns, hot cross buns One a penny, two a penny hot cross buns. As a huge fan of all yeast dough goodies I couldn’t miss the opportunity to make these for Easter. That’s interesting how in different cultures Christians have the same understanding of what makes bread festive. Greek Tzureki, Italian Pannetone, Russian Kulich, British Hot Cross Buns – all have it in common. Spices. And orange zest. And raisins. I cooked Kulich dozens of times, and Tzureki, and Pannetone as well, but it’s my first time with British Easter bread. I always wondered how the crosses on top are made. Is it white chocolate? Do they bake the buns first and add the crosses at the end? Ha ha, now I know how it’s done. And I was surprised how easy the method is. Even though I’m not an experienced hot cross bun baker I couldn’t have settled with some classic taste and recipe. So here are my Easter buns with chocolate and prunes. Recipe: (makes 9 tall buns, prep and cooking time 40 minutes, proving and rising – about 2 hours) Read the rest of this entry »

31.03.2016 смотреть >>
Pistachio meringues Pistachio meringues

Pistachio meringues

Originally published at Yellow Chimney. Please leave any comments there. Meringue is one of the favourite deserts of my childhood. How can you not love this crispy breakable shell with sweet and sticky-toffee like centre? Who wouldn’t love holding it in one hand and catching crumbs with the other? But to be honest in my childhood everything was a little simpler than now. We didn’t have chocolate, strawberry, lemon and all those yummy meringues, we only knew plain white ones, no flavours, no colours. And today choosing a meringue recipe to cook you’ll never be fascinated with a plain white one, right? Because of all that variety you have around. So let us make it pistachio meringues. We’ll use the French method, the one that looks the simplest, yet has some tricks. Recipe: (makes 8, cooking time 30 minutes + 2-3 hours to chill) Read the rest of this entry »

03.02.2016 смотреть >>
Pistachio meringues Pistachio meringues

Pistachio meringues

Originally published at Yellow Chimney. Please leave any comments there. Meringue is one of the favourite deserts of my childhood. How can you not love this crispy breakable shell with sweet and sticky-toffee like centre? Who wouldn’t love holding it in one hand and catching crumbs with the other? But to be honest in my childhood everything was a little simpler than now. We didn’t have chocolate, strawberry, lemon and all those yummy meringues, we only knew plain white ones, no flavours, no colours. And today choosing a meringue recipe to cook you’ll never be fascinated with a plain white one, right? Because of all that variety you have around. So let us make it pistachio meringues. We’ll use the French method, the one that looks the simplest, yet has some tricks. Recipe: (makes 8, cooking time 30 minutes + 2-3 hours to chill) Read the rest of this entry »

05.02.2016 смотреть >>
Pistachio meringues Pistachio meringues

Pistachio meringues

Originally published at Yellow Chimney. Please leave any comments there. Meringue is one of the favourite deserts of my childhood. How can you not love this crispy breakable shell with sweet and sticky-toffee like centre? Who wouldn’t love holding it in one hand and catching crumbs with the other? But to be honest in my childhood everything was a little simpler than now. We didn’t have chocolate, strawberry, lemon and all those yummy meringues, we only knew plain white ones, no flavours, no colours. And today choosing a meringue recipe to cook you’ll never be fascinated with a plain white one, right? Because of all that variety you have around. So let us make it pistachio meringues. We’ll use the French method, the one that looks the simplest, yet has some tricks. Recipe: (makes 8, cooking time 30 minutes + 2-3 hours to chill) Read the rest of this entry »

05.02.2016 смотреть >>
Pistachio meringues Pistachio meringues

Pistachio meringues

Originally published at Yellow Chimney. Please leave any comments there. Meringue is one of the favourite deserts of my childhood. How can you not love this crispy breakable shell with sweet and sticky-toffee like centre? Who wouldn’t love holding it in one hand and catching crumbs with the other? But to be honest in my childhood everything was a little simpler than now. We didn’t have chocolate, strawberry, lemon and all those yummy meringues, we only knew plain white ones, no flavours, no colours. And today choosing a meringue recipe to cook you’ll never be fascinated with a plain white one, right? Because of all that variety you have around. So let us make it pistachio meringues. We’ll use the French method, the one that looks the simplest, yet has some tricks. Recipe: (makes 8, cooking time 30 minutes + 2-3 hours to chill) Read the rest of this entry »

04.02.2016 смотреть >>
French Apple Cake French Apple Cake

French Apple Cake

Originally published at Yellow Chimney. Please leave any comments there. Yep, you got it right. Not a French Apple Tart and not a French Apple Pie. A cake. And it is one of the most delicious cakes I’ve ever tried. I first tasted it 10 years ago in a small cake shop in Vladivostok (Far East of Russia). The shop was new and their cakes were new and very unusual too. At least once a week I spent some of my tiny journalist salary on a cup of coffee with a piece of cake. And the taste of that cake didn’t haze from my memory in 10 years. So I decided to try and recreate it. It took some time to experiment with proportions, sweetness and sort of apples, by in the end I achieved the taste I remembered. Now I’m sharing this recipe with you – my precious French Apple Cake. It tastes like harmony. The base of the cake is hazelnut dacquoise – soft meringue with loads of nuts. The right proportion of hazelnut and almond makes this cake really delish. Almond is drier than hazelnut and it gives more structure to the dacquoise – the cake is less soggy and gooey. Recipe: (makes 8″ cake, cooking time 50 mins + 3 h to cool) Read the rest of this entry »

19.01.2016 смотреть >>
Milk soufflé Milk soufflé

Milk soufflé

Originally published at Yellow Chimney. Please leave any comments there. In Russia we call it literary Bird Milk. Probably, because it’s milky, creamy but yet heavenly light and airy. And every time the name turns in conversation follows a discussion where in Russia they make the beat Bird Milk. I don’t really want to defend chocolate factory in my home city but let me just say this: Bird Milk was invented in Vladivostok and therefore I consider it to be the most authentic and therefore I try to achieve that particular taste making milk soufflé myself. Recipe: (makes 6, 20 minutes hands on + 1 hour 30 minutes to set) Read the rest of this entry »

25.07.2015 смотреть >>
Chocolate filled pancakes. Recipe for a bright family breakfast Chocolate filled pancakes. Recipe for a bright family breakfast

Chocolate filled pancakes. Recipe for a bright family breakfast

Originally published at Yellow Chimney. Please leave any comments there. In the morning slanting sun rays penetrate into the dining room through the thin netting. They carefully grope window-sill, table and a white doily lying on it. The warm touches slide on the white chair backs, flutter from one side to another, quivering from every curtain movement and each wiggle of trees outside. Sun rays softly stroke sleepy eyelashes and sweet rose lips of kids, who are waiting for their breakfast. The kids, a boy and a girl, idly stretch their pyjamas, continue watching their last fairy dreams right at the table. It’s Sunday. No need to hurry. No need to push your sleepy legs to find the right side of the trousers. No need to rush your sleepy jaws to chew… Quiet sunny slumber reigns in the dining room, until mum puts a plate full of pancakes on the table. And when the kids find out there’s chocolate filling in the centre, the last traces of sleep disappear and a funny-talking-laughing family breakfast begins. Recipe: (yields 12-15, serves 4-5, cooking time 25 minutes) Read the rest of this entry »

19.02.2016 смотреть >>
Chocolate filled pancakes. Recipe for a bright family breakfast Chocolate filled pancakes. Recipe for a bright family breakfast

Chocolate filled pancakes. Recipe for a bright family breakfast

Originally published at Yellow Chimney. Please leave any comments there. In the morning slanting sun rays penetrate into the dining room through the thin netting. They carefully grope window-sill, table and a white doily lying on it. The warm touches slide on the white chair backs, flutter from one side to another, quivering from every curtain movement and each wiggle of trees outside. Sun rays softly stroke sleepy eyelashes and sweet rose lips of kids, who are waiting for their breakfast. The kids, a boy and a girl, idly stretch their pyjamas, continue watching their last fairy dreams right at the table. It’s Sunday. No need to hurry. No need to push your sleepy legs to find the right side of the trousers. No need to rush your sleepy jaws to chew… Quiet sunny slumber reigns in the dining room, until mum puts a plate full of pancakes on the table. And when the kids find out there’s chocolate filling in the centre, the last traces of sleep disappear and a funny-talking-laughing family breakfast begins. Recipe: (yields 12-15, serves 4-5, cooking time 25 minutes) Read the rest of this entry »

19.02.2016 смотреть >>
Milk soufflé Milk soufflé

Milk soufflé

Originally published at Yellow Chimney. Please leave any comments there. In Russia we call it literary Bird Milk. Probably, because it’s milky, creamy but yet heavenly light and airy. And every time the name turns in conversation follows a discussion where in Russia they make the beat Bird Milk. I don’t really want to defend chocolate factory in my home city but let me just say this: Bird Milk was invented in Vladivostok and therefore I consider it to be the most authentic and therefore I try to achieve that particular taste making milk soufflé myself. Recipe: (makes 6, 20 minutes hands on + 1 hour 30 minutes to set) Read the rest of this entry »

03.02.2016 смотреть >>
Milk soufflé Milk soufflé

Milk soufflé

Originally published at Yellow Chimney. Please leave any comments there. In Russia we call it literary Bird Milk. Probably, because it’s milky, creamy but yet heavenly light and airy. And every time the name turns in conversation follows a discussion where in Russia they make the beat Bird Milk. I don’t really want to defend chocolate factory in my home city but let me just say this: Bird Milk was invented in Vladivostok and therefore I consider it to be the most authentic and therefore I try to achieve that particular taste making milk soufflé myself. Recipe: (makes 6, 20 minutes hands on + 1 hour 30 minutes to set) Read the rest of this entry »

04.02.2016 смотреть >>

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