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Speak the words I wanna hear to make my demons run

09.11.2010 смотреть >>
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Death to cowards, traitors, and empty words To those adorned with the touch of rose petals And the blessed gift of forgetfulness For these are your years and days to outshine

29.10.2010 смотреть >>
Apollonia Saintclair Apollonia Saintclair

Apollonia Saintclair

via * * * У меня на полке сидит барби купленная на блошином рынке за восемь ойро у нее сгибаются колени, локти и талия поднимаются руки, раздвигаются ноги но боже мой какое ужасное у нее лицо и ядовитые желто-розовые волосы

28.07.2013 смотреть >>
Where do I begin? LOVE STORY (часть I) Where do I begin? LOVE STORY (часть I)

Where do I begin? LOVE STORY (часть I)

Where do I begin? To tell the story of how great a love can be The sweet love story that is older than the sea The simple truth about the love he brings to me Where do I start? Love Story ПРОДОЛЖЕНИЕ СЛЕДУЕТ… В главных ролях: Сабина – Сабина Юрина Константин – Константин Сотников Михаил – Михаил Петров music written by Francis Lai the words penned by Carl Sigman

08.08.2008 смотреть >>
Where do I begin? LOVE STORY (часть I) Where do I begin? LOVE STORY (часть I)

Where do I begin? LOVE STORY (часть I)

Where do I begin? To tell the story of how great a love can be The sweet love story that is older than the sea The simple truth about the love he brings to me Where do I start? Love Story ПРОДОЛЖЕНИЕ СЛЕДУЕТ… В главных ролях: Сабина – Сабина Юрина Константин – Константин Сотников Михаил – Михаил Петров music written by Francis Lai the words penned by Carl Sigman

08.08.2008 смотреть >>
Fairy of the Rose Fairy of the Rose

Fairy of the Rose

Best and dearest flower that grows, Perfect both to see and smell; Words can never, never tell Half the beauty of a Rose- Buds that open to disclose Fold on fold of purest white, Lovely pink, or red that glows Deep, sweet-scented. What delight To be Fairy of the Rose! Книга пожеланий для феи Роз))) Чуть-чуть технических подробностей для информации. Размер 20Х24 см, в основе обложки переплетный картон. 15 листов ванильной бумаги проштампованной одним штампом в разных вариациях: а это мое вдохновение: Всех обнимаю и прекрасных теплых выходных)

14.10.2011 смотреть >>
Wedding Album 30x30 for 15x20 Photos Wedding Album 30x30 for 15x20 Photos

Wedding Album 30x30 for 15x20 Photos

Пробегая мимо: - сделала на заказ альбом для свадебных фото. Альбом 30x30 под фото 15x20 - мой стиль - минимализм, и это уже даже не смешно - мне совершенно негде фотографировать работы такого размера - последними работами не очень довольна, но есть отдельные места, за которые гордость просто распирает. Just quick words: - made another one order - album 30x30 for wedding photos 15x20 - my style is minimalism, and it's not very funny %) - I absolutely have no place to take pictures of such large works - I don't like very much my last works, I take a legitimate pride in some places in this works.

20.02.2011 смотреть >>


It is SPRING today. Guys, that’s official! No kidding. Springtime! In London there are blossoms on the trees, and they look like big fluffy clouds - and place our heads and thoughts exactly there. In the clouds, we mean. And you know what? No way we are going to wait any longer. Of course, we never wait, and we did say it before - but we are all human, and we repeat ourselves sometimes - we did wear a good share of “comfortable” and “cosy” things in winter, using these words as an excuse to dress down all the time. As much as we like it, but today it is spring, and spring it will be in a summer dress in spring. We see, you are confused with our logic? You think it’s too cold for a summer frock right now? We don’t. We have some loveliest dresses from the previous summer that we can wear now. No way we are waiting any longer and we are not going to stand two things: raised eyebrows and colds. Therefore we will still be a little sensible. We will take it easy still and wear things that way - so even our granny would approve. (Yes, we have a granny, and she worries about our health and demands us in scarves and hats still. Yes, we are grown-up but grannies are all same, right?). Summer dresses are not only for summer. We say it. Do you really want to argue on 1st of March? This dress - that’s a lovely one - you can see (or even buy, yeah) here.

03.04.2012 смотреть >>
Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse (yep, I just used ‘delicious’ and ‘vegan’ i Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse (yep, I just used ‘delicious’ and ‘vegan’ i

Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse (yep, I just used ‘delicious’ and ‘vegan’ i

Originally published at Yellow Chimney. Please leave any comments there. What do you usually think when you read the words “gluten free, dairy free, raw, vegan” in the name of a recipe. “How’s that stuff gonna be tasty?” – is my first thought. To swap real smooth rich creamy butter for an avocado? Am I crazy or what? No, that’s not for me. I don’t want to offend anyone, I assume I just like the classic cakes too much. But as a homebaker sometimes I do gf, df, vegan and raw cakes for my clients. And sometimes I have a little leftovers of my cakes and bakes which I try to be sure that the cake is fairly good. And this is exactly how I discovered this avocado based vegan chocolate mousse. I was making chocolate cake for a meet-up of some group, half of the members of which were vegans and the other half was about to become ones. I found couple of recipes, combined them and made some delicious mousse. My son is not a fan of chocolate, but my 4yo daughter ate 3 portions of that. It is as rich chocolate as a proper brownie and as smooth and creamy as classic ganache. Can you believe that? Try yourself! Recipe: (makes 15 shots, cooking time 20 minutes) Read the rest of this entry »

28.03.2016 смотреть >>
Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse (yep, I just used ‘delicious’ and ‘vegan’ i Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse (yep, I just used ‘delicious’ and ‘vegan’ i

Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse (yep, I just used ‘delicious’ and ‘vegan’ i

Originally published at Yellow Chimney. Please leave any comments there. What do you usually think when you read the words “gluten free, dairy free, raw, vegan” in the name of a recipe. “How’s that stuff gonna be tasty?” – is my first thought. To swap real smooth rich creamy butter for an avocado? Am I crazy or what? No, that’s not for me. I don’t want to offend anyone, I assume I just like the classic cakes too much. But as a homebaker sometimes I do gf, df, vegan and raw cakes for my clients. And sometimes I have a little leftovers of my cakes and bakes which I try to be sure that the cake is fairly good. And this is exactly how I discovered this avocado based vegan chocolate mousse. I was making chocolate cake for a meet-up of some group, half of the members of which were vegans and the other half was about to become ones. I found couple of recipes, combined them and made some delicious mousse. My son is not a fan of chocolate, but my 4yo daughter ate 3 portions of that. It is as rich chocolate as a proper brownie and as smooth and creamy as classic ganache. Can you believe that? Try yourself! Recipe: (makes 15 shots, cooking time 20 minutes) Read the rest of this entry »

28.03.2016 смотреть >>
"the silence of dogs in cars" "the silence of dogs in cars"

"the silence of dogs in cars"

Портреты собак, ожидающих своих хозяев в машинах, проект Мартина Усборна (Martin Usborn) ABOUT THESE IMAGES: I was once left in a car at a young age. I don't know when or where or for how long, possibly at the age of four, perhaps outside Tesco's, probably for fifteen minutes only. The details don't matter. The point is that I wondered if anyone would come back. It seems trivial now but in a child's mind it is possible to be alone forever. Around the same age I began to feel a deep affinity with animals - in particular their plight at the hands of humans. I remember watching TV and seeing footage of a dog being put in a plastic bag and being kicked. What appalled me most was that the dog could not speak back. It's muteness terrified me. I should say that I was a well-loved child and never abandoned and yet it is clear that both these experiences arose from the same place deep inside me: a fear of being alone and unheard. Perhaps this is a fear we all share at some level, I am not sure. The images in this series explore that feeling, both in relation to myself and to animals in general. The camera is the perfect tool for capturing a sense of silence and longing: the shutter freezes the subject for ever and two layers of glass are placed between the viewer and the viewed: the glass of the lens, the glass of the picture frame and, in this instance, the glass of the car window further isolates the animal. The dog is truly trapped. When I started this project I knew the photos would be dark. What I didn't expect was to see so many subtle reactions by the dogs: some sad, some expectant, some angry, some dejected. It was as if upon opening up a box of grey-coloured pencils I was surprised to see so many shades inside. I hope that these pictures are engaging and perhaps a little amusing. I want to show that there is life in the dark places within us. I will stop writing now and you can stop reading. Words can only get us so far. After all, we are all animals. Martin, Sept 2010

02.10.2011 смотреть >>
обручальные You & Me обручальные You & Me

обручальные You & Me

полная надпись: All the world was made for you & me слово word решели поменять на настоящий глобус причем каждому достанется своя половинка!) (идея прекрасных заказычиков из Питера) посылку уже отправила, жду ответа! Глобус будет гравироваться в Питере попрошу чтоб мне прислали потом фотографию)

26.10.2010 смотреть >>
Цветочные книги Цветочные книги

Цветочные книги

А вот еще какие у меня есть книги. Здесь настоящие живые цветы. Книги Полы Прайк - изумительные цветовые сочетания. Здесь нет безумных флористических конструкций, геометрических сооружений и сомнительных форм. Только очень красивые цветы. Причем все названия цветов подписаны. И немецкие журналы Bloom's word. Подглядываю в эту красоту, когда не знаю, какими цветами дополнять букеты. Покупала на цветочной выставке, вот сайт продавца изданий по флористике: Дизайнер Books, я бы все там скупила)

03.11.2013 смотреть >>
Wedding Album Graphic45 Wedding Album Graphic45

Wedding Album Graphic45

Всем привет! У меня ужасный аврал: на работе сдаем номер в печать, а дома меня ждет куча заказов. Сегодня покажу тот, что недавно закончила. Альбом для свадебных фотографий из бумаги Graphic45 размером 20x20. Заказчица сама выбирала бумагу (по крайней мере, часть), а главное пожелание было примерно такое: "Жених там брутальный, так что нужен альбом "без соплей" %) Как говорится, чем могу. . . :) Hi! Today I want to show you my last project. Album for wedding photos (paper Graphic45, size 20x20). Client chosen paper itself, and the main wish was something like: "Groom is a brutal man, so I need brutal album" %) Под кальку в рамочку можно вставить бумажку с именами жениха и невесты, а можно написать прямо на кальке. They can wright bride and groom names directly on vellum or wright theirs on paper and put it under vellum and frame. Первая страничка "камерная", должна напоминать о церемонии в загсе. First page is very "formal" and remind about the ceremony at the registry office. Разворот, посвященный жениху и невесте. Для левой страницы заказчица выбрала все-таки более нежные мотивы. А вторая "брутальная", как и сам жених :) Spread about bride and groom. For the left-hand page client chosen more delicate paper. A second "brutal" page - about groom. Еще один разворот. Левая страница для меня символизирует фразу "ключ от моего сердца", а правая - просто про любовь и заветные слова "Согласен. Согласна". Another spread. The left-hand page for me symbolizes the phrase "the key to my heart" and the right - just about love and words "I do". Очередной разворот. Просто про любовь и свадебный танец. Нотки на правой странице - это эмбоссинг золотой пудрой. Another one spread. Just about love and wedding dance. Notes on the right page - embossing with gold powder. Последняя страница и кармашек из кальки для памятных мелочей. В кармашке летают бабочки :) Last page and the vellum pocket memorable things. The pocket full of butterflies :) И задняя обложка, ничего особенного: And the back cover, nothing special: Тяжело в какой-то момент шел проект. А для себя вывела правило: никогда больше не показывать бумагу заказчикам. Потому что они выбирают, а я потом мучайся :) The project was difficult some time. And one rule for me: never show the paper to customers. Because they choose, and I have a hard time :)

27.01.2011 смотреть >>
Curd cheese patties Curd cheese patties

Curd cheese patties

Originally published at Yellow Chimney. Please leave any comments there. In Russia we call them “sochni”. It’s probably an easy one after the Olympiad in Sochi. Nearly the same word. ‘Sotch-nee’. Basically it means they are juicy. Oh, I can tell you they are. To make it right I strongly advise you to visit your nearest Polish food store and get half a kilo of “twarog”. It’s a very special kind of soft cheese which tastes between Ricotta and cottage cheese. You add some salt and sugar to it and it starts “crying” – give out some water. Then you add some egg – so all that moist filling holds together nicely when you bake it and doesn’t try to escape after the first bite. I don’t know why no one in my family ever made sochni. They are easy and really delish. But still it is a kind of childhood memory for me, ’cause my mom used to buy them every time we went out shopping. Sochni was a typical Russian street food a quarter of century ago. Read the rest of this entry »

06.04.2016 смотреть >>
Curd cheese patties Curd cheese patties

Curd cheese patties

Originally published at Yellow Chimney. Please leave any comments there. In Russia we call them “sochni”. It’s probably an easy one after the Olympiad in Sochi. Nearly the same word. ‘Sotch-nee’. Basically it means they are juicy. Oh, I can tell you they are. To make it right I strongly advise you to visit your nearest Polish food store and get half a kilo of “twarog”. It’s a very special kind of soft cheese which tastes between Ricotta and cottage cheese. You add some salt and sugar to it and it starts “crying” – give out some water. Then you add some egg – so all that moist filling holds together nicely when you bake it and doesn’t try to escape after the first bite. I don’t know why no one in my family ever made sochni. They are easy and really delish. But still it is a kind of childhood memory for me, ’cause my mom used to buy them every time we went out shopping. Sochni was a typical Russian street food a quarter of century ago. Read the rest of this entry »

06.04.2016 смотреть >>
Змей Горынушка богатыредефицитный Змей Горынушка богатыредефицитный

Змей Горынушка богатыредефицитный

Не только лишь все змеи могут похвастаться собственным богатырём Купить чудо-юдо можно в моём магазине ETSY ↓ Zmei Gorynich - Slavic Fairy-Tale Dragon. OOAK Handmade Art Doll, Interior Doll, Textile Sculpture, Soft Toy, Textile Art Zmei Gorynich - is an unique felt three-headed dragon on a wooden base. In Russian folktales and epic poetry, Zmei Gorynich is a dragon or serpent that can spit fire and appears as adversary to the bogatyr (heroic character). The word "zmei" in Russian is the masculine noun, meaning "snake". . . ETSY. COM

13.09.2018 смотреть >>
Змий Горын-Василий-Пётр на богатыря пошёл Змий Горын-Василий-Пётр на богатыря пошёл

Змий Горын-Василий-Пётр на богатыря пошёл

Тут такооое творится! O__O Сказка пришла! В виде змия пришла и огнедышит стоит. Богатырюшу ждёт, биться хочет. Купить чудо-юдо можно в моём магазине ETSY ↓ Zmei Gorynich - Slavic Fairy-Tale Dragon. OOAK Handmade Art Doll, Interior Doll, Textile Sculpture, Soft Toy, Textile Art Zmei Gorynich - is an unique felt three-headed dragon on a wooden base. In Russian folktales and epic poetry, Zmei Gorynich is a dragon or serpent that can spit fire and appears as adversary to the bogatyr (heroic character). The word "zmei" in Russian is the masculine noun, meaning "snake". . . ETSY. COM

26.07.2018 смотреть >>

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